Strategy & Readiness


What is the map of your current position? What achievable goals do you want to achieve? Where bottlenecks are your constraints? How do we get there?

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How to assess your present mode of operation vs your future mode of operation, and your capabilities to apply AI required for your strategy to achieve your goals.

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Applied AI strategy & readiness back story

AI is part of what some call The Fourth Industrial Wave (See WEF, MIT, et al). Like all new technology evolutions, the adaption isn’t *just* about the technology, it’s about how people and business adopt it: it’s a technology adoption story.

Previous technology adoptions including commercial internet, x86 virtualization, and cloud computing all had something in common:

1. A small cadre of early adopters in an influence bubble.
2. Too much early hype in the echo chamber.
3. Majority of industry are naysayers and use words like “fad”.
4. Early adopter success triggers laggards’ FOMO.
5. People and process changes are key to technology adoption.

There are numerous strategies that can be applied — they key is, “Which will work for your situation?” Will it require a Wardley Map? Will we apply Theory of Constraints?